DR. Fabio rodi

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The Beginning.

Icon Processors was founded by Dr. Fabio Rodi after years of first hand experience in witnessing the wellness benefits of all natural plant derivatives, in particular CBD from hemp. Free from many of the side effects of common pharmaceuticals, CBD and other cannabinoids present in hemp offered viable alternatives.

Almost a decade ago, Dr. Fabio decided it was his calling to become a pioneer in producing cannabinoid-based products from hemp and thus helped the industry grow into the now soon to be over $21B industry that it is today. Icon, with product and R&D facilities in MI, VT, and MA, has since become a major producer of CBD based consumer products through three successful targeted brands and white label partners.

As of 2018 ICon Processors has expanded it’s portfolio in hemp CBd products to Hemp Feed, pet treats and yes even none-toxic ocean safe BIOfuels.

The Future of Fuel is here……Hemp BiofuelHere at Icon Processors we never stop and continue to push the limits to what this plant can produce.Research has shown that seeds from cannabis sativa, or industrial hemp, can be used to create a viable, sustainable diesel fuel. One researcher stated that most hemp farmers today probably produce enough hemp to create enough fuel to power their entire farm. Now, with this harvested toxic crop producers can make two varieties of biofuel:Hemp biodiesel is made from hemp seed oil and can be used in any conventional diesel engine.  Research showed hemp oil had a 97% conversion rate into biodiesel and passed all lab tests. Imagine a fleet of transport trucks powered by fuel made by a plant which left the soil in better condition than it found it.Meanwhile, the rest of the plant can be used to produce ethanol or methanol. Sometimes referred to as “hempanol” or “hempoline” this type of fuel is made through a process called cellulolysis which ferments and distills the hemp to extract ethanol. Methanol, on the other hand, is produced from the woody pulp matter in the stalks of plants. Creating methanol from hemp is done through a process of dry distillation.Advantages of Hemp BiofuelsAs a carbon neutral resource, the plant ingests carbon dioxide (CO2) very quickly, even faster than trees. Plus, carbon dioxide emissions from biodiesel is reabsorbed through the process of photosynthesis in plants. So, in addition to pulling toxins from the soil, the hemp plant can essentially “scrub” CO2 from the air we breathe.When growing hemp, it returns about 70% of its required nutrients back into the soil, which means this crop requires much less fertilizer to grow. Less fertilizers means cleaner water supplies.Creating a renewable resource crop which can restore the soil to health, pull toxins from the ground, air and water, while creating a viable energy source may sound like the American Farmer’s dream come true, however, it doesn’t come without its own set of challenges.

The Future of Fuel is here……Icon Processors Hemp NONtoxic Biofuel.

Here at Icon Processors we never stop and continue to always push the limits of this industry.

Research has shown that seeds from cannabis sativa, or industrial hemp, can be used to create a viable, sustainable diesel fuel. Our researcher shows that most hemp farmers today probably produce enough hemp to create enough fuel to power their entire farm. Now, with this harvested crop producers can make two varieties of biofuel:

Hemp biodiesel is made from hemp seed oil and can be used in any conventional diesel engine. Research showed hemp oil had a 97% conversion rate into biodiesel and passed all lab tests. Imagine a fleet of transport trucks powered by fuel made by a plant which left the soil in better condition than it found it.

Meanwhile, the rest of the plant can be used to produce ethanol or methanol. Sometimes referred to as “hempanol” or “hempoline” this type of fuel is made through a process called cellulolysis which ferments and distills the hemp to extract ethanol. Methanol, on the other hand, is produced from the woody pulp matter in the stalks of plants. Creating methanol from hemp is done through a process of dry distillation.

Advantages of Hemp Biofuels

As a carbon neutral resource, the plant ingests carbon dioxide (CO2) very quickly, even faster than trees. Plus, carbon dioxide emissions from biodiesel is reabsorbed through the process of photosynthesis in plants. So, in addition to pulling toxins from the soil, the hemp plant can essentially “scrub” CO2 from the air we breathe.

When growing hemp, it returns about 70% of its required nutrients back into the soil, which means this crop requires much less fertilizer to grow. Less fertilizers means cleaner water supplies.

Here at Icon Processors are proud to announce we have officially produced a Nontoxic Biodiesel.

Creating a renewable resource crop which can restore the soil to health, pull toxins from the ground, air and water, while creating a viable energy source may sound like the Mother’s Earth dream come true.

Icon is proud to announce its joint venture with Earth Environments in the expansion of its fiber division.

We are proud to expand on this exciting adventure and our first line of business is finalizing our R&D project for the construction of Tiny Hemp homes that may be used for Cottages, Dog Houses, Bird Houses and even Homeless Shelters by working with community’s that are in need. We don’t stop there as we are also looking into the production of paper products such as toilet paper.

What to learn more feel free to reach us or check us out at https://www.earthenvironments.com/hemp

COVID-19 Response.

With the outbreak of the COVID virus in March 2020, we immediately modified our production capabilities, taking advantage of its access to virus killing disinfectants, and began producing hand sanitizer for the surrounding communities. Icon donated hundreds of gallons of life-saving hand sanitizer to local fire, police, and other frontline essential workers. We also donated over $50,000 worth of free CBD products to our COVID medical teams in our local hospitals to help with the aches and pains of long hours on their feet and the stress and anxiety of a very difficult job. We wanted to help these brave people who have been risking themselves to save others.

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